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[Digital solutions]||for more efficient construction

Digital solutions
for more efficient construction

BCL participates in the iECO research project, one of the first flagship projects of the Gaia-X funding competition sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Goal: increase productivity in the construction industry

With around 2.5 million employees, the construction industry is one of the key sectors of the German economy. This sector contributes more than six percent of Germany's total value creation, and over twelve percent of the German gross domestic product is spent on construction activities*.

However, digitalization has been neglected in some areas of this industry. Data silos, which hinder or even prevent efficient interaction within the value chain, are widespread. These silos exacerbate the already enormous coordination efforts, especially when changes in plans or schedules must be manually coordinated. This results in costly inefficiencies, such as tradespeople waiting on-site for others to finish or encountering (seemingly) unforeseen bottlenecks in resources, logistics, or infrastructure. Consequently, the construction industry lags behind other industries by up to 30 percentage points in productivity.

The future of European data connectivity
Breaking down these data silos, improving shared data usage, and unlocking the potential needed to close the productivity gap in the construction industry are the goals of iECO (intelligent Empowerment of Construction Industry). iECO is one of the first flagship projects of the Gaia-X funding competition sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Gaia-X is a European initiative aimed at creating a secure and trustworthy data infrastructure. Its goal is to promote sovereign data exchange through the development of open and federated data spaces and ecosystems that ensure compliance with European principles regarding data protection, data security, data quality, etc. Representatives from business, science, and politics are developing best practices and solutions within this framework. These solutions aim to demonstrate how data can create added value and new marketable business models for small and medium-sized enterprises, organizations, and administrations.

Digital transformation in construction
The iECO project focuses on the construction industry, which has seen limited digitization so far. Construction-specific data, such as information on materials and trades, is typically stored locally and only occasionally on cloud solutions. To optimize processes, this data needs to be interconnected. The common data space provided by Gaia-X creates the technical and organizational conditions for companies to share sensitive data with each other. This improves collaboration along the value chain. The data can be used, for instance, to create a digital twin of a building. This simulation covers the entire lifecycle of a construction project, from design and approval to detailed planning, construction supervision, operation, and eventual deconstruction. It is also possible to conduct planning, extensions, or modifications virtually before implementing them in practice, saving time and costs. To achieve this, analog processes must be digitized.

The overarching goal of iECO is to increase productivity in the construction industry by up to ten percent. The iECO project partners include companies from the construction industry, such as Implenia and its associated BCL, as well as renowned universities and research institutions. iECO is designed as an open ecosystem in which all construction industry companies can participate. The more partners involved, the greater the quantity and variety of data accessible through the data space, and the more attractive the ecosystem becomes.

* Anteil der Bauinvestitionen an der Verwendung des Bruttoinlandprodukts in Deutschland im Jahr 2022 (


BCL participation iECO: iECO logo

Smart solutions for healthier and safer construction sites
The iECO research project is divided into ten work packages. BCL supports work package 8: "Smart Advanced Services in the Construction Phase – Safe Construction Site." This work package focuses on using digitalization to make construction sites safer and minimize walking and searching times. BCL is addressing various aspects to improve health and safety on construction sites. For example, on rotating test sites, data such as UV index, dust, and CO2 levels are collected using sensors. The tracking of personnel and delivery traffic is enabled by BCL's software, BCL|OnSite.

Digitally recording maintenance intervals for machinery ensures smooth operations. For issuing hazard alerts on-site, BCL is testing the use of personal devices. These devices, similar to smartwatches, are worn by employees on-site (see photo). A portable device marks the specific danger zone. The two devices communicate via UWB (Ultra-Wideband) and alert the employee when their distance from the hazard (e.g., circular saw or crane) is less than the defined safety distance. The personal device then starts blinking and vibrating. Additionally, asset tracking inside and outside the construction site is enabled by small Bluetooth and gps trackers, allowing materials to be precisely located and their installation to be tracked.

Why is BCL participating in the iECO project?
By participating in iECO, we contribute to advancing the networking and digitalization of the construction industry, actively shaping the future of construction logistics.

Do you have questions about iECO?

Feel free to contact us.


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